Thursday, January 14, 2010

Interior Painting

Want to paint the walls of a room but not the ceiling? Here's a tip to help you get a nice clean break where the wall meets the ceiling without any tedious masking or clumsy paint sheilds.
Start with a good quality paint and a good quality brush. Is a $16.00 Purdy brush really all that better than a $9.00 Generic brush? Yes it is. And the same goes for your roller cover. Stay away from the bargain 3 packs and invest in a sheepskin roller cover. The main advantage with sheepskin is no splattering and no drips. Use a painter's 5-in-1 tool to clean your roller and one roller cover can last through years of use. To get a nice clean line where your wall meets the ceiling take your brush and dab it in the paint on the side that will be in contact with the wall. In this case that would be the left side of the brush. Place the brush on the wall and push it against the edge of the ceiling, bring it down, move it over slightly and push up again. Repeat this until you have covered the area you can easily reach from your ladder. Now take your brush and smooth out the brush marks.
Your end result is a nice clean transition between wall and ceiling. Keep a wet rag handy to wipe up any goofs and drips. You can use the same technique when painting around door and widow casings and above the baseboard.

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